You will never know how much pains i had been throuqh all this years? I wasn't wastinq my time, alriqht? So, i knows what's riqht & what's wronq? You weren't qoinq to tell me what to do, qet it? Do you by the means knowinq the quote " She says she doesn't care but, her eyes tell a different story . " Imma sad & disappointed in you, you knew me for quite a lonq periods & yet, you hurt me once, twice, thrice & even more .. Why are you doinq this to me? You threw all the faults back to me when actually at the first place, it was your fault first, understand? Imma not lyinq, it was you lyinq to yourself // You weren't tellinq the truth deeply from your heart ! That's why i started to hate you, do'y know that? I promised myself i won't trust you anymore but, your innocence looks & your sweetie talks made me trusted you tons times . I was dumb-founded . I wanted to forqet you once & for all from my lyfee but, looks like i can't, what did you do to me? I hate that feelinqs manz !
You will never know how i feel when i need you at the sad-est time,
i need you but, that's impossible .
Sorry, our friendship had ended three days aqo ...
What you reap, is what you sow .